Prevent Disputes, Protect, and Prosper


Legal support for Business and In-House Counsel

BUsiness owners

I can help you put in place sensible and enforceable commercial arrangements and solve business issues.

Whether a FTSE100, SME, or sole trader, RFLegal will help you protect your business and maximise value if / when looking to sell.


RFLegal offers a legal health check service to help ensure your business is doing the right thing and on track to obtain the maximum value if / when looking to exit.

With a balance of legal, business, operational, and financial strategies, we can steer your business in the right direction.

your out house in house counsel 

Often, I act as out-house in-house general counsel, providing a practical business-led approach in a down-to-earth manner.

legal training

I deliver legal training sessions on the subject of Contract Law or Compliance. I’ve helped businesses across the globe understand and minimise legal risk, including in, UK, Germany, Sweden, and Mexico.